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Colonel Zeeg

title:Colonel Zeeg
url:No link!
download page:No link!
genre:First person adventure
platform:Online/macromedia flash
features:sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


Colonel Zeeg has a problem. His ship has crashed in a space station full of evil robots and he needs ten power crystals to get it working. What makes this even worse, are the evil robots wandering around the place which he needs to avoid while trying to grab the crystals.

Unsurprisingly, this is the very problem you confront in this 3D maze adventure game. You move with the arrow keys, using up for forward and down for back, while using the left and right arrows to turn. C looks ahead and tells you the distance to the nearest wall, while X gives you your coordinates. However the main source of information is the sonar which bleeps automatically, ---- the faster it bleeps, the closer the nearest wall.

Colonel Zeeg was unfortunately, yet another game developed by the now sadly obsolete Gamevial entertainment, and one of their experiments in making macromedia flash titles available for blind gamers.

Unfortunately, with the increasing obsolescence of macromedia flash as a platform Gamevial shut down, and ceased all game development in 2017, handing all their assets to a company known as Ravenwood entertainment, who have bought out some versions of their games that play in Modern browsers. However, Ravenwood have thus far showed no interest in remaking, or rereleasing any of gamevial's audiogames, which is a shame, and of course since the games were online, even though they were originally free it is doubtful anyone else could host them.

Details of the rise and fall of Gamevial can be Found here


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